2.java ParsePositionç±»
3.quartz每月最后一天执行 报错 定时59 59 23 L * ?
4.java中时间如何转换成日期。 如现在有个固定时间startTime:2011-03-01 23:59:59 要求出向后推迟一小时时
提取码:fqy6微服务是对于微信公众平台提供的辅助管理平台,强化了微信公众号的互动营销推广与客户关系维护功能。微服务平台开发了为商家定制的小猪pigcms整站源码“个性化管理、营销推广、客户关系管理、delphi 压缩源码会员卡管理”等几个重要的运营管理模块。
java ParsePositionç±»
æ¥çæºä»£ç å°±ä¼åç°é®é¢åºå¨ ãChoiceFormat ã ç±»ç ãparse(String text, ParsePosition status)ãæ¹æ³ä¸ã该æ¹æ³ä¼å¯¹åéãstatusãè¿è¡å¤çãstatus.index = start + tempString.length();ãæ以ï¼status.index ä¼ååãå æ¤éè¦å¨æ¯æ¬¡è§£æçæ¶åéç½®indexå±æ§ãéä¸æºç ï¼
*** Parses a Number from the input text.
* @param text the source text.
* @param status an input-output parameter. On input, the
* status.index field indicates the first character of the
* source text that should be parsed. On exit, if no error
* occured, status.index is set to the first unparsed character
* in the source text. On exit, if an error did occur,
* status.index is unchanged and status.errorIndex is set to the
* first index of the character that caused the parse to fail.
* @return A Number representing the value of the number parsed.
public Number parse(String text, ParsePosition status) {
// find the best number (defined as the one with the longest parse)
int start = status.index;
int furthest = start;
double bestNumber = Double.NaN;
double tempNumber = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < choiceFormats.length; ++i) {
String tempString = choiceFormats[i];
if (text.regionMatches(start, tempString, 0, tempString.length())) {
status.index = start + tempString.length();
tempNumber = choiceLimits[i];
if (status.index > furthest) {
furthest = status.index;
bestNumber = tempNumber;
if (furthest == text.length()) break;
status.index = furthest;
if (status.index == start) {
status.errorIndex = furthest;
return new Double(bestNumber);
quartz每月最后一天执行 报错 定时 L * ?
源码private void parse(String expression) throws IllegalArgumentException { String[] fields = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(expression, " "); if (fields.length != 6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Cron expression must consist of 6 fields (found %d in \"%s\")", fields.length, expression)); } setNumberHits(this.seconds, fields[0], 0, ); setNumberHits(this.minutes, fields[1], 0, ); setNumberHits(this.hours, fields[2], 0, ); setDaysOfMonth(this.daysOfMonth, fields[3]); setMonths(this.months, fields[4]); setDays(this.daysOfWeek, replaceOrdinals(fields[5], "SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT"), 8); if (this.daysOfWeek.get(7)) { // Sunday can be represented as 0 or 7 this.daysOfWeek.set(0); this.daysOfWeek.clear(7); } }
java中时间如何转换成日期。 如现在有个固定时间startTime:-- :: 要求出向后推迟一小时时
楼主,我提供一个我自己一直在用,很实用的一个日期转换类给你吧。你创建一个工具类,使用方法也很简单的roadflow 2.5源码。
public class DateFormater {
public static String dateToString(Date date,String filterd){
SimpleDateFormat sf=new SimpleDateFormat(filterd);
return sf.format(date);
public static Date dateToDate(Date date,String filterd){
Date result;
SimpleDateFormat sf=new SimpleDateFormat(filterd);
String date_str=sf.format(date);
try {
result = sf.parse(date_str);
return result;
} catch (ParseException e) {
return null;
public static Date stringToDate(String date_str,String filterd){
Date result;
SimpleDateFormat sf=new SimpleDateFormat(filterd);
try {
result = sf.parse(date_str);
return result;
} catch (ParseException e) {
return null;
Date date = DateFormater.stringToDate("-- ::","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
按照一定格式输出,easyui combobox 源码可以用DateFormater.dateToString(date,"yyyy-MM-dd")
楼主我在做系统调度的时候,经常使用到时间的绿色守护 源码计算,我也是使用这个实用的时间转换类,希望这个类会带给楼主帮助!