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2025-02-06 07:12:31 来源:187的源码

1.flash 8.0的详细简介
2.jim carrey英文介绍


flash 8.0的详细简介



       å¹´æœˆï¼ŒFutureSplash正式卖给MM(Macromedia.com),改名为FLASH1.0 (网上也有信息称是Flash2.0)

       ä¸€åˆ‡æ˜¯è¿™æ ·å¼€å§‹çš„




        进入高中,乔纳森.盖伊的程序设计能力就有了很大的提高。他自己制作了图像编辑器,并且参加了学校的科技成果展览。在参加科技成果展览会的时候,他很幸运地接触到了当时最先进的个人计算机Macintosh,当他看到这个计算机,就爱不释手了,梦想自己也能有一台这样的电脑。在学校科技展览中,乔纳森.盖伊和父亲偶然去参加了一个Macintosh用户聚会,自豪的父亲不断地向人们夸耀儿子的参展作品。面对这个会编游戏的神奇小子,会议的组织者,pv uv PHP源码显示 Silicon Beach Software公司的查理.杰克逊产生了很大的兴趣。查理拍着乔纳森.盖伊的肩膀半开玩笑地说:“小神童,我们来做个交易吧!你来帮我的公司做Macintosh软件,产品销售出去再付给你钱,怎么样?” 乔纳森.盖伊眼睛里顿时放出光彩,心想:这老板是怎么想的,我只是个高中生而已,不过,这样就有机会用价值1万美元的Macintosh计算机了。就这样,他们开始合作了。




        年,他成立了自己的公司FutureWave Software,致力于图像的研究。年1月,乔纳森.盖伊决定将绘图软件转移到矢量绘图上。根据用户的意见,他又投向动画软件的制作。这样,他曾经积累的游戏制作经验就能完全派上用场。

        年正是互联网的Web应用蓬勃兴起的时期,这时候人们已经在单台计算机上实现了声音和动画。但是,互联网上,尤其是Web上,人们对图像和动画的需求逐渐变得强烈。乔纳森.盖伊认为是公司施展才能的时候了。于是,动画播放的第一方案就问世了。然而。他所采用是当时成熟的Java嵌入式播放器,由于Java速度太慢,动画效果并不令人十分满意,乔纳森.盖伊继就再一次投入对FutureWave Software开发和研究,试图找到一个更方便的动画制作。最后,Netscape浏览器采用了FutureWave效率较好的plug-in API播放方案。在这个动画软件SmartSketch Animator正式发行的时候,这时乔纳森.盖伊又动起了脑筋:SmartSketch这个名字实在没有什么商业价值,新名字应该重在动画,而不是绘图。于是,就把名字改做CelAnimator。又经过长期的深思熟虑后,正式定名为FutureSplash Animator。这也就是现在Flash真正的前身了。


        由于资金的问题,年末,乔纳森.盖伊希望寻找多方面的合作,以更好地发展FutureSplash Animator这个很有前景的产品。为了更好地吸引投资,年夏季,FutureSplash Animator正式发行了。八月份,IT巨头Microsoft在发展MSN项目时看中了这个能在Internet和Modem上传送动画的小软件。微软网路(The Microsoft Network, MSN)使用 FutureSplash 公司的 Animator 软体设计了一个介面与广告全萤幕动画来模拟电视。在当时那个大部分网站连 JPG 与 GIF 图片都甚少使用的时代,这无疑是一项只能在小说里面才看得见的创举。这个只有6个职员的小公司产品的被微软这么大的公司所采用,对他们小公司来说将是一次重大转折,这有效地加速了FutureSplash Animator在互联网Web动画方向上领导地位的确立,并且促进它进一步的发展。

        第二个大客户当属迪斯尼了。迪斯尼使用FutureSplash Animator建设Disney online网站,达到了在任何带宽条件下较好的互动和动画效果,而在当时强烈建议迪斯尼使用Shockwave( Director播放器)的是Macromedia。


       å¹´æœˆMacromedia实在坐不住了,它认为这是块大蛋糕,合作是势在必行的事情。于是,找到乔纳森.盖伊商谈合作事宜。最终,Macromedia将万美元投资到乔纳森.盖伊经营4年的FutureWave Software公司。乔纳森.盖伊对此非常满意,并且认为他的“宝贝孩子”FutureSplash Animator将在更良好的成长环境下与更多的对手充分地竞争。

       äºŽæ˜¯åŒæœŸï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯å¹´æœˆï¼ŒMacromedia收购了FutureWave公司,将FutureSplash Animator重新命名为Macromedia Flash 1.0。

       äº‹å®žä¸Šè¿™ä¸ªå¹¶è´­äº‹ä»¶ä»¶åŽæ¥å¼•èµ·äº†ä¸€äº›ä¼ è¨€ï¼Œè¯´å¦‚æžœ Macromedia 并购了FutureSplash 公司,那么微软就会将 Macromedia 公司给并吞下来。微软后来粉碎了这项传言。该公司放弃了模拟电视节目介面的设计策略,并且把 MSN 网站回归到朴素的文字介面。

       ï¼ˆä¸è¿‡æœ‰è¶£çš„是:有消息称,微软将会在不久推出新一代动画制作工具“Sparkle”,某些人认为,这一工具推出后将会很快取代Macromedia 公司的Flash的地位,成为“Flash 杀手”。 )

       ï¼ˆå‘µå‘µï¼Œæœ‰ç‚¹æ„æ€ï¼Œå¾®è½¯çœ‹èµ·æ¥æ›´åƒæ˜¯åœ¨æŠ„袭Flash,从Office System中的OneNote中已可窥见一斑。这差不多是微软的一贯风格了。不过个人认为即使微软成功的抄袭了Flash,以其独特的垄断市场策略不可能将“Sparkle”扩展到非"Window”平台中,这也意味着没人会再喜欢这个“Sparkle”,当然,除了那些微软的忠实程序员,设计师是不太可能的。 微软的程序员静候LongHorn和“Sparkle”的佳音吧。事实上,很多在LongHorn的界面技术在flash中实现早已不是问题)




       å¾®è½¯çš„介入让业界对于新诞生的 Flash 软体(以及搭配使用的 Shockwave Flash 外挂程式)投以高度关注。自此以后,这个软体所带来的重大变革以及与其搭配的程式语言 ActionScript 便吸引了许多忠实的开发者。


       å¹´5月日 Macromedia 推出了Flash3.0

       å¹´6月日 Macromedia 推出了Flash4.0

       è‡ª Flash 进入4.0 版以后,原本的 Shockwave 播放器便变成了仅供 Director 使用。Flash 4.0开始有了自己专用的播放器,称为“Flash Player”,不过为了保持向下相容性,Flash 制作出的动画则仍旧沿用了原有的 .SWF文件名(Shockwave Flash)。

       å¹´æœˆæ—¥ Macromedia 推出了Flash5.0 (支持的播放器为 Flash Player 5)

       Flash 5.0中的ActionScript已有了长足的进步,并且开始了对XML和Smart Clip(智能影片剪辑)的支持。ActionScript的语法已经开始定位为发展成一种完整的面向对象的语言,并且遵循ECMAScript的标准(就像JavaScript那样)。

       å¹´3月日 Macromedia 推出了Flash MX (也就是测试版中的6.0,后来为了配合MX产品线,正式命名为MX,支持的播放器为 Flash Player 6)

       falsh6开始了对外部jpg和MP3的调入支持。同时也增加了更多的内建对象( 如直接的绘画控制)。提供了对HTML文本的更精确控制。SetInterval 超频帧的概念。同时也改进了swf文件的压缩技术。

       å¹´8月日 Macromedia 推出了Flash MX (支持用 Flash MX 创建的SWF的播放器的版本被命名为 Flash Player 7)

       Flash MX 增加了许多新的功能:

       å¯¹ç§»åŠ¨è®¾å¤‡å’Œæ‰‹æœºã€Pocket PC的支持(以及像素字体的清晰显示);

       Flash Player 运行时性能提高了 2 至 5 倍;



       å¯¹Adobe PDF及其它文档的支持;





       Web 服务和 XML 的预建数据连接器;


       æºä»£ç æŽ§åˆ¶ç³»ç»Ÿï¼›


       åŒæ—¶å¼€å§‹äº†å¯¹Flash本身制作软件的控制和插件开放JSFL(Macromedia Flash JavaScript API),Macromedia无疑在开始调动Internet上Flasher们的巨大力量和集体智慧。



       flash具有跨平台的特性(这点和Java一样),所以无论你处于处于何种平台,只要你安装有支持的flash Player。你就能保证它们的最终显示效果都一致。而不必像在以前的网页设计中那样为IE和Mozilla或NetSpace各设计一个版本。同Java一样。它的可移植性很强。特别是在小型网络中和小型设备中(当然大型网络已不用说),最近具有的手机支持功能可以让你为自已的手机设计你喜爱的功能。当然你必需要有技持flash的手机。当然它还可以应用于Pocket PC上。

       åˆ°å¹´æœˆæ—¥æ­¢ç›´æŽ¥æ”¯æŒæ’­æ”¾flash的手机和Pocket PC列表:

       ET (legend 联想)(手机 & Pocket PC)

       iPAQ (hp 惠普) (Pocket PC)

       iPAQ (hp 惠普) (Pocket PC)

       Nokia (Nokia 诺基亚) (手机)

       Nokia (Nokia 诺基亚) (手机)

       Nokia (Nokia 诺基亚) (手机)

       NTT DoCoMo Fujitsu i (日本 NTT DoCoMo 移动通信运营公司 & Fujitsu 富士通)(手机)

       NTT DoCoMo Mitsubishi i (日本 NTT DoCoMo 移动通信运营公司 & Mitsubishi 三菱)(手机)

       NTT DoCoMo NEC i (日本 NTT DoCoMo 移动通信运营公司 & NEC 日本电气)(手机)

       NTT DoCoMo Panasonic i (日本 NTT DoCoMo 移动通信运营公司 & Panasonic 松下)(手机)

       NTT DoCoMo Sharp i (日本 NTT DoCoMo 移动通信运营公司 & Sharp 夏普)(手机)

       NTT DoCoMo Sony i (日本 NTT DoCoMo 移动通信运营公司 & Sony 索尼)(手机)

       Sony CLIE NX (Sony 索尼) (Pocket PC)

       Sony CLIE NZ (Sony 索尼) (Pocket PC)

       Sony CLIE UX (Sony 索尼) (Pocket PC)

       Motorola A (Motorola 摩托罗拉) (手机)

       Sanyo SCP- (Sanyo 三洋) (手机)

       Samsung SGH-e (Samsung 三星) (手机)

       Hisen C (Hisen 海信) (手机)

       Nokia i (Nokia 诺基亚) (手机)

       Dopod (Dopod 多普达) (手机)


jim carrey英文介绍


       Biography for Jim Carrey

       Date of Birth January , Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

       Birth Name James Eugene Carrey

       Height 6' 2" (1. m)

       Mini Biography

       The youngest of four children born to Percy (an accountant and aspiring jazz saxophonist) and Kathleen, Jim Carrey was an incurable extrovert from day one. As a child he performed constantly, for anyone who would watch, and even mailed his résumé to "The Carol Burnett Show" () at age . In junior high he was granted a few precious minutes at the end of each school day to do stand-up routines for his classmates (provided, of course, that he kept a lid on it the rest of the day). Carrey's early adolescence took a turn for the tragic, however, when the family was forced to relocate from their cozy town of Newmarket to Scarborough (a Toronto suburb). They all took security and janitorial jobs in the Titan Wheels factory, Jim working 8-hour shifts after school let out (not surprisingly, his grades and morale both suffered). When they finally deserted the factory, the family lived out of a Volkswagen camper van until they could return to Toronto. Back on firmer ground, Carrey decided to strike out into the comedy club scene. He made his (reportedly awful) professional stand-up debut at Yuk-Yuk's, one of the many local clubs that would serve as his training ground in the years to come. He dropped out of high school, worked on his celebrity impersonations (among them Michael Landon and James Stewart), and in worked up the nerve to move to Los Angeles. He finessed his way into a regular gig at The Comedy Store, where he impressed Rodney Dangerfield so much that the veteran comic signed him as an opening act for an entire season. During this period Carrey met and married waitress Melissa Womer, with whom he had a daughter (Jane). The couple would later go through a very messy divorce, freeing Carrey up for a brief second marriage to actress Lauren Holly. Wary of falling into the lounge act lifestyle, Carrey began to look around for other performance outlets. He landed a part as a novice cartoonist in the short-lived sitcom "The Duck Factory" (); while the show fell flat, the experience gave Carrey the confidence to pursue acting more vigorously. He scored the male lead in the ill-received Lauren Hutton vehicle Once Bitten (), and a supporting role in Peggy Sue Got Married (), before making a modest splash with his appearance as the alien Wiploc in Earth Girls Are Easy (). Impressed with Carrey's lunacy, fellow extraterrestrial Damon Wayans made a call to his brother, Keenen Ivory Wayans, who was in the process of putting together the sketch comedy show "In Living Color" (). Carrey joined the cast and quickly made a name for himself with outrageous acts (one of his most popular characters, psychotic Fire Marshall Bill, was attacked by watchdog groups for dispensing ill- advised safety tips). Carrey's transformation from TV goofball to marquis headliner happened within the course of a single year. He opened with a starring turn in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (), a film that cashed in on his extremely physical brand of humor (the character's trademark was talking out his derrière). Next up was the manic superhero movie The Mask (), which had audiences wondering just how far Carrey's features could stretch. Finally, in December, he hit theaters as a loveable dolt in the Farrelly brothers' Dumb & Dumber () (his first multi-million dollar payday). Now a box-office staple, Carrey brought his manic antics onto the set of Batman Forever (), replacing Robin Williams as The Riddler. He also filmed the follow-up to his breakthrough, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (), and inked a deal with Sony to star in The Cable Guy () (replacing Chris Farley) for a cool $ million--at the time, that was the biggest up-front sum that had been offered to any comic actor. The movie turned out to be a disappointment, both critically and financially, but Carrey bounced back the next year with the energetic hit Liar Liar (). Worried that his comic shtick would soon wear thin, Carrey decided to change course. In , he traded in the megabucks and silly grins to star in Peter Weir's The Truman Show (). Playing a naive salesman who discovers that his entire life is the subject of a TV show, Carrey demonstrated an uncharacteristic sincerity that took moviegoers by surprise. He won a Golden Globe for the performance, and fans anticipated an Oscar nomination as well--when it didn't materialize, Carrey lashed out at Academy members for their narrow-minded selection process. Perhaps inspired by the snub, Carrey threw himself into his next role with abandon. After edging out a handful of other hopefuls (including Edward Norton) to play eccentric funnyman Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon (), Carrey disappeared into the role, living as Kaufman -- and his blustery alter-ego Tony Clifton -- for months (Carrey even owned Kaufman's bongo drums, which he'd used during his audition for director Milos Forman). His sometimes uncanny impersonation was rewarded with another Golden Globe, but once again the Academy kept quiet. An indignant Carrey next reprised his bankable mania for the Farrelly brothers in Me, Myself & Irene (), playing a state trooper whose Jekyll and Hyde personalities both fall in love with the same woman (Renée Zellweger). Carrey's real-life persona wound up falling for her too--a few months after the film wrapped, the pair announced they were officially a couple. By then, Carrey had already slipped into a furry green suit to play the stingy antihero of Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas (). He plans to take a break from the limelight after the holiday flick (as he puts it, "I'm looking forward to getting out of America's face"). Is there another Carrey reinvention in the works? If so, he's not talking.

       IMDb Mini Biography By: IMDb Editors


       Lauren Holly ( September - July ) (divorced)

       Melissa Carrey ( March - December ) (divorced) 1 child

       Trade Mark

       Flexible body movements.

       Frequently plays a character who wears green or is green.

       Makes weird facial expressions in his more comical roles. A lot of times, the expression is accompanied by an equally weird voice or laugh.


       Dropped out of high school at .

       During the filming of Me, Myself & Irene (), he and the production crew attended a private music show of the band Phish on June th at the guitarist/vocalist house in Careystock, Vermont. There, he sang two songs with Phish, "Hey You" by Bachman Turner Overdrive and "Come Together" by The Beatles.

       Ranked # in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October ]

       Chosen by "People" magazine as one of the Most Beautiful People in the World. []

       At age , he sent his resume to Carol Burnett.

       He appeared at the th anniversary special for The Comedy Store wearing nothing but a sock on his penis.

       Hosted "YTV Awards Show" in mid 's with Laurie from "Fox After Breakfast" (). YTV is Canada's Youth Television station.

       At one point his family lived out of their car/trailer.

       Once performed "Rocket Man" on stage with Elton John at one of Elton's concerts ().

       At one point he and his family all worked as janitors at a factory to make a living.

       Wrote himself a check for $ million and kept it in his wallet until he earned that amount for The Cable Guy ().

       Relationship with Renée Zellweger ended while they were already engaged and had marriage plans. []

       Manager is Jimmy Miller, who is the younger brother of actor-comedian Dennis Miller.

       Shares the same birthday with Andy Kaufman, who he played in Man on the Moon ().

       December, : Announces his intention to become a United States citizen.

       His total of nine MTV movie awards as of is the most MTV movie awards won by any person.

       Although he obtained American citizenship, he still intends to keep his Canadian citizenship.

       He, Michael J. Fox and the late Raymond Burr head list of top Canadians in U.S. television compiled by Banff Television Festival, June .

       As a child, he used to wear his tap shoes to bed just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night.

       Performed his first stand-up routine (with disastrous results) in a yellow suit and tails (made by his mother) similar to what he would later wear in The Mask ().

       Insisted that his favorite band, Cannibal Corpse, play in the movie Ace Ventura: Pet Detective ().

       Melissa Womer Carrey filed court papers in Los Angeles Superior Court requesting more child support, saying that $, a month "is not sufficient" to meet the needs of their -year-old daughter Jane, who wants to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. An April hearing is scheduled on the support request. ( January )

       Has a daughter, Jane Erin Carrey, with his first wife, Melissa Carrey (b. 6 September ).

       Ranked #5 in Star TV's Top Box Office Stars of the s ()

       Many of his characters are ordinary men whose lives are changed by supernatural or otherwise unseen forces. As in The Mask () (" (Ipkiss happens to find the mask), The Majestic () (Appleton is unlucky and suffers amnesia), Liar Liar () (His son's birthday wish comes true), Bruce Almighty () (Divine intervention), The Truman Show () (He finds his life is a TV show), and so on.

       His characters from Dumb & Dumber (), The Mask (), Bruce Almighty (), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (), Man on the Moon () and Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (_ are losers who want to be recognized and be famous.

       There is some sort of a bathroom scene and car scene in almost every one of his movies.

       Along with Jeff Goldblum and Damon Wayans, his voice was dubbed for certain scenes in Earth Girls Are Easy ().

       While filming Earth Girls Are Easy (), it took approximately two and a half hours for him and co-stars Jeff Goldblum and Damon Wayans to be suited up as the aliens.

       Many of his characters have a job or interest in TV (The Mask (), Batman Forever (), The Cable Guy (), The Truman Show (), Man on the Moon (), Bruce Almighty ())

       Has said that his least favorite movie is The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes ().

       Owns his own $ million dollar plane.

       October - Became a U.S. citizen.

       He has said that Joel, his painfully shy, lovelorn character in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (), is closer to what he's like when he's not "on," and that making the film lead him to reflect on his past relationships and why they didn't work out.

       Attended Agincourt Collegiate Institute (High School), in Scarborough.

       Auditioned for the role of Farmer Ted in the film Sixteen Candles (). Eventually, actor Anthony Michael Hall won the part.

       He donated a signed head-shot to Rocky Stone to be auctioned off to raise money to buy more toys for less fortunate kids as part of the Toy Mountain Campaign .

       While getting his start in Los Angeles, one of his frequent stops was at the Comedy Store

       Went through depression in the s while struggling to make ends meet as a comedian.

       Wrote letters to Tupac Shakur when Tupac was in prison to help him laugh and smile. Tupac said that Carrey was his favorite actor.

       Briefly attended Aldershot High School in Burlington, Ontario.

       Bought a Harley Davidson motorcycle and got a vanity license plate for it which read "NO TAG" as a joke. This resulted in Jim receiving numerous traffic tickets in the mail that were meant for other people. As it turns out, when filling out a ticket, police officers write "no tag" in the license plate number slot on the ticket when the offending vehicle has no license plate. In some cases, this was interpreted as the actual license plate number, as it was in Jim's case, which caused the tickets to be routed to him.

       He was originally cast as "Dr. Evil" in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (), but he had to drop out of the role due to a scheduling conflict with Liar Liar ().

       Was considered for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl ()

       Was considered for the role of "Willy Wonka" in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ().

       Is a fan of professional wrestling

       His performance as "Ace Ventura" in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective () is ranked # on Premiere Magazine's Greatest Movie Characters of All Time.

       Was originally offered the lead role in the movie The Master of Disguise ().

       Was a straight-A student until he dropped out.

       Before Martin Scorsese's The Aviator (), he spent years trying to produce and star in a film of Howard Hughes' life as Hughes himself.

       He has been nominated for 5 Golden Globes, but although more recognised for his comedic performances, the only two Globes he's won were for dramatic performances. (The Truman Show () and Man on the Moon ()).

       Fellow Canadian comedian Mike Myers was chosen over Carrey to play in SNL.

       Possibly out of slapstick to his nationality, his "Dick Harper" character of Fun with Dick and Jane () has been compared by fans to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

       First actor to reach million dollar mark salary (for The Cable Guy ())

       On September th, , Carrey fired his agent of years, Nick Stevens.

       Along with his girlfriend Jenny McCarthy, he was among the guests at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's wedding.

       Often his protagonist (or antagonist) roles are associated with the color green. The Mask (), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (), "The Riddler" in Batman Forever (), the alias 'Mr. Red Green' in Fun with Dick and Jane (). The Red Green reference in Fun With Dick and Jane might have been a nod to a Canadian comedy, "The Red Green Show" ().

       Turned down the offer to induct Jerry Lawler into the WWE Hall Of Fame in , for he believed the people in the audience would have come to the ceremony to see him, not the legends being honored that night.

       Nicole Kidman calls him her best male friend.

       Is a huge fan of the cartoons Johnny Bravo, Spongebob Squarepants and Dave The Barbarian.

       Personal Quotes

       "I tend to stay up late, not because I'm partying but because it's the only time of day when I'm alone and I don't have to be on, performing."

       "Until Ace Ventura, no actor had considered talking through his ass"

       "It's insane...I mean, Nicholson, Hoffman, Jackson, Kline - I don't see how I can lose." - Regarding his chances at Golden Globes

       "I've been dubbed the man most responsible for the dumbing of America, so obviously I don't put much stock into thoughts like (the theme of the 'dumbing down' of contemporary comedy). People love to laugh, and most people can find humor in just about anything, which is great. Trying to label or categorize comedy is ridiculous. I mean, if you laugh at a fart joke, does that make you a moron? I don't think so."

       "Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches."

       "That's the trouble with being me. At this point, nobody gives a damn what my problem is. I could literally have a tumor on the side of my head and they'd be like, 'Yeah, big deal. I'd eat a tumor every morning for the kinda money you're pulling down."

       "I'm charming, but I dip into the Prozac now and then."

       I don't believe in this fairy tale of staying together for ever. Ten years with somebody is enough. In ten years, you can give a lot of love.

       "I have no intention of giving up my Canadian heritage, and all those who loved and supported me. My upbringing in Canada made me the person I am. I will always be proud to be a Canadian."

       After recording a cover of 'I am the Walrus': "There! I did it! I defiled a timeless work of art! For my next trick, I will paint a clown face on the Mona Lisa while using the shroud of Turin as a dropcloth."


       Bruce Almighty () $,,

       How the Grinch Stole Christmas () $,, + merchandising

       Me, Myself & Irene () $,,

       Man on the Moon () $,,

       The Truman Show () $,,

       Liar Liar () $,,

       The Cable Guy () $,,

       Batman Forever () $5,,

       Dumb & Dumber () $7,,

       The Mask () $,

       Ace Ventura: Pet Detective () $,