2.[MAC]Sublime Text 4 Dev for Mac(前端源源代码编辑神器) v4.0(4154) 中文版+快捷键介绍
3.局域网在线扫描 IP,MAC Java源代码
1. Linux操作系统是一个计算机操作系统,其内核名为“Linux”。源码
2. Linux操作系统是源码自由软件和开放源代码发展中最著名的例子之一。
3. 严格来说,源码“Linux”仅指内核,源码但实际上人们常用它来指代整个基于Linux内核的源码车型库 源码操作系统(也称为GNU/Linux),这包括了各种人机界面、源码应用和服务软件。源码
4. Linux软件通常被称为Linux发行版,源码它们是源码基于一系列组件的。
5. 一般的源码Linux发行版包含大量软件,如开发工具、源码数据库、源码Web服务器(例如Apache)、源码X Window、源码桌面环境(如GNOME和KDE)和办公套件(如OpenOffice.org)等。
6. Linux内核最初是为英特尔微处理器设计的,现在它支持从个人电脑到大型主机,甚至包括嵌入式系统在内的各种硬件设备。
7. Linux最初是个人狂热爱好者的产物,但现在已经成为广泛支持的一种操作系统,包括IBM和惠普等计算机业巨头。
8. 许多人认为,与其他商用Unix系统和微软Windows相比,作为自由软件的Linux具有低成本、高安全性、更值得信赖的优势。
9. 操作系统是控制其他程序运行、管理系统资源并为用户提供操作界面的系统软件集合。
. 早期的操作系统包括TRS-DOS、ROM OS、TI-/4、Commodore PET、和VIC-等。
. 非Unix商业操作系统包括CPM操作系统、MP/M-、UCSD P-system、Mini-FLEX、SSB-DOS和CP/M-等。
. Unix及类似系统包括A/UX(Apple UNIX)、Unix、微软Xenix、Chorus OS、Cromix、UNIflex和OS-9等。
. 其他操作系统包括Acorn Arthur、vba小程序 源码ARX、RISC OS、RISCiX、Amiga OS、Atari ST TOS、MultiTOS、MiNT等。
. 苹果电脑的操作系统包括Apple DOS、ProDOS、Mac OS和Mac OS X等。
. BeOS和A/UX是Digital/康柏(Compaq)的操作系统。
. 微软的操作系统包括MS-DOS、Xenix、Microsoft Bob和基于MS-DOS的Windows系列等。
. 智能手机操作系统包括Windows Mobile系列、Embedded Linux(如Moblin)、Symbian OS等。
. 还有其他操作系统,如动态可扩展操作系统MIT的Exo Kernel、华盛顿大学的SPIN、哈佛大学的VINO、伊利诺伊大学的Choices和ReactOS等。
[MAC]Sublime Text 4 Dev for Mac(前端源源代码编辑神器) v4.0() 中文版+快捷键介绍
Sublime Text 4 for Mac Sublime Text 4 for Mac, the ultimate code editor for developers, offers swift performance with quick file loading and command execution capabilities. It supports a plethora of programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, and more. Additionally, it encompasses technologies like LaTeX, Markdown, JSON, XML, making it a versatile tool for diverse projects. Equipped with a rich plugin ecosystem, Sublime Text 4 allows users to extend its functionality with various plugins. These plugins provide features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, version control, and code snippets. The editor also supports customization, enabling users to tailor its appearance and behavior according to their preferences and needs. Designed for cross-platform use, Sublime Text 4 is compatible with macOS, Windows, and Linux. It boasts a powerful command panel and the "Goto Anything" feature, facilitating quick command searches and file navigation. In summary, Sublime Text 4 is a powerful code editor that caters to the needs of developers looking to enhance their coding and code management processes. Sublime Text 4 Dev Features Sublime Text 4 Dev boasts several advanced features that set it apart: Instant Navigation: Quickly open files and navigate symbols, lines, or words with the Goto Anything feature. Utilize shortcuts such as + P to search for file names or symbols, and access definitions with + F. Efficient Editing: Handle multiple changes simultaneously, rename variables, and process files faster with multi-selection capabilities. Explore shortcuts like + + L for line separation and ? + D for selecting the next occurrence of a selected word. Customizable Commands Panel: Access less frequently used functions through the command panel, which provides a streamlined search experience without navigating menus or remembering obscure key bindings. Use + + P to reveal the command panel. Powerful API and Package Ecosystem: Benefit from a robust Python API to extend the editor's built-in features with custom plugins. Software Package Control, accessible via the command panel, offers easy access to thousands of packages developed by the community. Flexible Customization: Customize key bindings, menus, snippets, macros, and more using simple JSON files. The system allows for customization at the file type and project level, providing flexibility based on your preferences. Split Editing: Leverage split editing to maximize wide screen displays. Edit multiple files side by side or two locations within a single file. Navigate through numerous rows and columns as needed. Utilize multiple windows for editing and split views in each window to utilize multiple monitors. Instant Project Switching: Quickly switch between projects, similar to the Goto Anything feature, without saving prompts. Restored modifications are applied when opening a project next time. Unmatched Performance: Constructed from custom components, Sublime Text offers unparalleled responsiveness. Its powerful, custom cross-platform UI toolkit and advanced syntax highlighting engine set the performance standard. Cross-platform Compatibility: Sublime Text is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux, allowing users to work seamlessly across different computing environments. Utilize a self-defined UI toolkit optimized for speed and aesthetics, leveraging platform-specific features. Sublime Text 4 Dev Keyboard Shortcuts Here are some essential keyboard shortcuts for efficient usage: Ctrl+L: Select an entire line (hold - to continue selecting down). Ctrl+J: Merge lines (after selecting multiple lines). Ctrl+KU: Convert to uppercase. Ctrl+KL: Convert to lowercase. Ctrl+KK: Delete from cursor to the end of the line. Ctrl+Shift+c: Convert to utf8. Ctrl+R: Search for function labels in specified files. Ctrl+G: Jump to specified line. Ctrl+K Backspace: Delete from cursor to the beginning of the line. Ctrl+U: Soft undo. Ctrl+K0: Expand all. Ctrl+KT: Collapse attributes. Ctrl+M: Move cursor to the opening or closing position of parentheses. Ctrl+T: Tab indentation, auto complete. Shift+Tab: Remove indentation. Ctrl+F2: Set bookmarks. F2: Next bookmark. Shift+F2: Previous bookmark. Alt+.: Close current tag. Ctrl+D: Select line lights (hold - to select the next line with the same lights). Ctrl+/: Comment entire line (when selecting content, achieves the same effect as Ctrl+Shift+/). Alt+F3: Select text and apply the same changes to all matching text. F6: Detect syntax errors. F9: Sort lines alphabetically. F: Full-screen mode. Ctrl+Enter: Insert a new line after the cursor. Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert a new line before the cursor. Ctrl+Shift+[ : Collapse code. Ctrl+Shift+] : Expand code. Ctrl+Shift+↑: Swap with the previous line. Ctrl+Shift+↓: Swap with the next line. Ctrl+Shift+K: Delete entire line. Ctrl+Shift+/: Comment selected content. Ctrl+mouse left click: Select multiple text areas for editing. Ctrl+Shift+A: Select parent tag pair. Ctrl+Shift+P: Open command panel. Shift+Tab: Remove indentation. Ctrl+PageDown/Up: Switch files by opening order. Ctrl+Shift+D: Duplicate line, insert before. Ctrl+Shift+F: Search within multiple folders, unlike standard editors, Sublime Text allows searching multiple folders simultaneously. Ctrl+Shift+L: Select multiple lines with mouse clicks for simultaneous editing. Ctrl+Shift+M: Select content within parentheses (hold - to continue selecting parent parentheses). Shift+mouse right click (or use mouse middle click): Use the mouse for vertical multi-line selection. Alt+Shift+1~9 (non-keyboard): Display equal-sized windows on the screen. Sublime Text 4 Dev Common Issues Resolving Document Restoration to Initial Installation State: To revert Sublime Text to its initial installation state, simply move the data folder to a backup location and start the editor again. Upon re-launch, Sublime Text will create a new data folder, effectively restoring it to its original condition. Note that this process will erase all settings and custom packages. Backup copies of the data folder can be used to restore configurations or packages that cannot be reinstalled. On macOS, the ~/ Library folder is typically hidden. To navigate to it, choose Go>Go to Folder from the Finder menu and input ~/ Library. Sublime Text 4 Dev System Requirements: macOS .9 or later Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor Updated Log: Optimized OpenGL rendering performance by batch processing controls. Resolved crashes when loading invalid grid layouts from sessions. Fixed issues where spell check incorrectly flagged certain unencodable words. Resolved various edge cases related to phantoms. Ensured continuous rendering order for overlapping pop-up windows.局域网在线扫描 IP,MAC Java源代码
1.得到局域网网段,可由自己机器的IP来确定 (也可以手动获取主机IP-CMD-ipconfig /all)
package bean;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Ip{
static public HashMap ping; //ping 后的结果集
public HashMap getPing(){ //用来得到ping后的结果集
return ping;
//当前线程的数量, 防止过多线程摧毁电脑
static int threadCount = 0;
public Ip() {
ping = new HashMap();
public void Ping(String ip) throws Exception{
threadCount +=1;
PingIp p = new PingIp(ip);
public void PingAll() throws Exception{
InetAddress host = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
String hostAddress = host.getHostAddress();
int k=0;
String ss = hostAddress.substring(0,k+1);
for(int i=1;i <=;i++){ //对所有局域网Ip
String iip=ss+i;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
Ip ip= new Ip();
java.util.Set entries = ping.entrySet();
Iterator iter=entries.iterator();
String k;
Map.Entry entry=(Map.Entry)iter.next();
String key=(String)entry.getKey();
String value=(String)entry.getValue();
class PingIp extends Thread{
public String ip; // IP
public PingIp(String ip){
public void run(){
Process p= Runtime.getRuntime()。exec (“ping ”+ip+ “ -w -n 1”);
InputStreamReader ir = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream());
LineNumberReader input = new LineNumberReader (ir);
for (int i=1 ; i <7; i++)
String line= input.readLine();
if (line.length() < || line.substring(8,)。equals(“timed out”))
threadCount -= 1;
}catch (IOException e){ }
rarp_rcv函数处理接收到的rarp请求,解析数据,根据请求mac地址在表中查找对应ip,mysql 线程池源码若存在,则调用arp_send函数发送回包。
int main(){ double pi = 3.;double *pv = πvoid *temp = pd;int *p = temp;}在标准C语言中,任何非void类型的指针都可以和void类型的指针相互指派,也可以通过void类型指针作为中介,实现不同类型的指针间接相互转换。上面示例中,指针pv指向的空间本是一个双精度数据,占8个字节,但是经过转换后,p指向的是一个4字节的int类型。这种发生内存截断的设计缺陷会在转换后进行内存访问是存在安全隐患。我想这就是Go语言被设计成强类型语言的原因之一吧。
unsafe 实现原理在使用之前我们先来看一下unsafe的源码部分,标准库unsafe包中只提供了3``种方法,android 图片圆角源码分别是:
func Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrSizeof(x ArbitrayType)方法主要作用是用返回类型x所占据的字节数,但并不包含x所指向的内容的大小,与C语言标准库中的Sizeof()方法功能一样,比如在位机器上,一个指针返回大小就是4字节。
Offsetof(x ArbitraryType)方法主要作用是返回结构体成员在内存中的位置离结构体起始处(结构体的第一个字段的偏移量都是0)的字节数,即偏移量,我们在注释中看一看到其入参必须是一个结构体,其返回值是一个常量。
Alignof(x ArbitratyType)的主要作用是返回一个类型的对齐值,也可以叫做对齐系数或者对齐倍数。对齐值是一个和内存对齐有关的值,合理的内存对齐可以提高内存读写的性能。一般对齐值是2^n,最大不会超过8(受内存对齐影响).获取对齐值还可以使用反射包的函数,也就是说:unsafe.Alignof(x)等价于reflect.TypeOf(x).Align()。对于任意类型的变量x,unsafe.Alignof(x)至少为1。对于struct结构体类型的变量x,计算x每一个字段f的unsafe.Alignof(x,f),unsafe.Alignof(x)等于其中的最大值。对于array数组类型的变量x,unsafe.Alignof(x)等于构成数组的元素类型的对齐倍数。没有任何字段的空struct{ }和没有任何元素的array占据的内存空间大小为0,不同大小为0的变量可能指向同一块地址。
细心的朋友会发发现这三个方法返回的都是uintptr类型,这个目的就是可以和unsafe.poniter类型相互转换,因为*T是不能计算偏移量的,也不能进行计算,但是uintptr是可以的,所以可以使用uintptr类型进行计算,这样就可以可以访问特定的内存了,达到对不同的内存读写的目的。三个方法的入参都是ArbitraryType类型,代表着任意类型的意思,同时还提供了一个Pointer指针类型,即像void *一样的通用型指针。
type ArbitraryType inttype Pointer *ArbitraryType// uintptr 是一个整数类型,它足够大,可以存储type uintptr uintptr上面说了这么多,可能会有点懵,在这里对三种指针类型做一个总结:
*T:普通类型指针类型,用于传递对象地址,不能进行指针运算。android sdk 源码在线
unsafe.Pointer基本使用我们在上一篇分析atomic.Value源码时,看到atomic/value.go中定义了一个ifaceWords结构,其中typ和data字段类型就是unsafe.Poniter,这里使用unsafe.Poniter类型的原因是传入的值就是interface{ }类型,使用unsafe.Pointer强转成ifaceWords类型,这样可以把类型和值都保存了下来,方便后面的写入类型检查。截取部分代码如下:
// ifaceWords is interface{ } internal representation.type ifaceWords struct { typunsafe.Pointer data unsafe.Pointer}// Load returns the value set by the most recent Store.// It returns nil if there has been no call to Store for this Value.func (v *Value) Load() (x interface{ }) { vp := (*ifaceWords)(unsafe.Pointer(v))for { typ := LoadPointer(&vp.typ) // 读取已经存在值的类型/**..... 中间省略**/// First store completed. Check type and overwrite data.if typ != xp.typ { //当前类型与要存入的类型做对比 panic("sync/atomic: store of inconsistently typed value into Value")}}上面就是源码中使用unsafe.Pointer的一个例子,有一天当你准备读源码时,unsafe.pointer的使用到处可见。好啦,接下来我们写一个简单的例子,看看unsafe.Pointer是如何使用的。
func main(){ number := 5 pointer := &number fmt.Printf("number:addr:%p, value:%d\n",pointer,*pointer) floatNumber := (*float)(unsafe.Pointer(pointer)) *floatNumber = *floatNumber + 3 fmt.Printf("float:addr:%p, value:%f\n",floatNumber,*floatNumber)}运行结果:
number:addr:0xc, value:5float:addr:0xc, value:3.由运行可知使用unsafe.Pointer强制类型转换后指针指向的地址是没有改变,只是类型发生了改变。这个例子本身没什么意义,正常项目中也不会这样使用。
type User struct { Name string Age uint Gender bool // 男:true 女:false 就是举个例子别吐槽我这么用。。。。}func func_example(){ // sizeof fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(true)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(int8(0))) fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(int())) fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(int())) fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(int())) fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof("asong")) fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof([]int{ 1,3,4})) // Offsetof user := User{ Name: "Asong", Age: ,Gender: true} userNamePointer := unsafe.Pointer(&user) nNamePointer := (*string)(unsafe.Pointer(userNamePointer)) *nNamePointer = "Golang梦工厂" nAgePointer := (*uint)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(userNamePointer) + unsafe.Offsetof(user.Age))) *nAgePointer = nGender := (*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(userNamePointer)+unsafe.Offsetof(user.Gender))) *nGender = false fmt.Printf("u.Name: %s, u.Age: %d,u.Gender: %v\n", user.Name, user.Age,user.Gender) // Alignof var b bool var i8 int8 var i int var i int var f float var s string var m map[string]string var p *int fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(b)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(i8)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(i)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(i)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(f)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(s)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(m)) fmt.Println(unsafe.Alignof(p))}为了省事,把三个函数的使用示例放到了一起,首先看sizeof方法,我们可以知道各个类型所占字节大小,这里重点说一下int类型,Go语言中的int类型的具体大小是跟机器的 CPU位数相关的。如果 CPU 是 位的,那么int就占4字节,如果 CPU是位的,那么 int 就占8 字节,这里我的电脑是位的,所以结果就是8字节。
// 切记不要这样使用p1 := uintptr(userNamePointer)nAgePointer := (*uint)(unsafe.Pointer(p1 + unsafe.Offsetof(user.Age)))最后看一下Alignof函数,主要是获取变量的对齐值,除了int、uintptr这些依赖CPU位数的类型,基本类型的对齐值都是固定的,结构体中对齐值取他的成员对齐值的最大值,结构体的对齐涉及到内存对齐,我们在下面详细介绍。
// string to []bytestr1 := "Golang梦工厂"by := []byte(s1)// []byte to stringstr2 := string(by)使用这种方式进行转换都会涉及底层数值的拷贝,所以想要实现零拷贝,我们可以使用unsafe.Pointer来实现,通过强转换直接完成指针的指向,从而使string和[]byte指向同一个底层数据。在reflect包中有·string和slice对应的结构体,他们的分别是:
type StringHeader struct { Data uintptr Lenint}type SliceHeader struct { Data uintptr Lenint Capint}StringHeader代表的是string运行时的表现形式(SliceHeader同理),通过对比string和slice运行时的表达可以看出,他们只有一个Cap字段不同,所以他们的内存布局是对齐的,所以可以通过unsafe.Pointer进行转换,因为可以写出如下代码:
func Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr0上面的代码我们通过重新构造slice header和string header完成了类型转换,其实[]byte转换成string可以省略掉自己构造StringHeader的方式,直接使用强转就可以,因为string的底层也是[]byte,强转会自动构造,省略后的代码如下:
func Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr1虽然这种方式更高效率,但是不推荐大家使用,前面也提高到了,这要是不安全的,使用当不当会出现极大的隐患,一些严重的情况recover也不能捕获。
对齐的作用和原因:CPU访问内存时,并不是逐个字节访问,而是以字长(word size)单位访问。比如位的CPU,字长为4字节,那么CPU访问内存的单位也是4字节。这样设计可以减少CPU访问内存的次数,加大CPU访问内存的吞吐量。假设我们需要读取8个字节的数据,一次读取4个字节那么就只需读取2次就可以。内存对齐对实现变量的原子性操作也是有好处的,每次内存访问都是原子的,如果变量的大小不超过字长,那么内存对齐后,对该变量的访问就是原子的,这个特性在并发场景下至关重要。
func Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr2从结果可以看出,字段放置不同的顺序,占用内存也不一样,这就是因为内存对齐影响了struct的大小,所以有时候合理的字段可以减少内存的开销。下面我们就一起来分析一下内存对齐,首先要明白什么是内存对齐的规则,C语言的对齐规则与Go语言一样,所以C语言的对齐规则对Go同样适用:
对于结构的各个成员,第一个成员位于偏移为0的位置,结构体第一个成员的偏移量(offset)为0,以后每个成员相对于结构体首地址的 offset 都是该成员大小与有效对齐值中较小那个的整数倍,如有需要编译器会在成员之间加上填充字节。
对于内存对齐这里还有一最后需要注意的知识点,空struct不占用任何存储空间,空 struct{ } 大小为 0,作为其他 struct 的字段时,一般不需要内存对齐。但是有一种情况除外:即当 struct{ } 作为结构体最后一个字段时,需要内存对齐。因为如果有指针指向该字段, 返回的地址将在结构体之外,如果此指针一直存活不释放对应的内存,就会有内存泄露的问题(该内存不因结构体释放而释放)。来看一个例子:
func Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr3简单来说,对于任何占用0大小空间的类型,像struct { }或者[0]byte这些,如果该类型出现在结构体末尾,那么我们就假设它占用1个字节的大小。因此对于test1结构体,他看起来就是这样:`
func Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr4因此在内存对齐时,最后结构体占用的字节就是8了。
总结好啦,终于又到文章的末尾了,我们来简单的总结一下,unsafe 包绕过了 Go 的类型系统,达到直接操作内存的目的,使用它有一定的风险性。但是在某些场景下,使用 unsafe 包提供的函数会提升代码的效率,Go 源码中也是大量使用 unsafe 包。
unsafe 包定义了 Pointer 和三个函数:
type ArbitraryType inttype Pointer *ArbitraryTypefunc Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptrfunc Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptruintptr 可以和 unsafe.Pointer 进行相互转换,uintptr 可以进行数学运算。这样,通过 uintptr 和 unsafe.Pointer 的结合就解决了 Go 指针不能进行数学运算的限制。通过 unsafe 相关函数,可以获取结构体私有成员的地址,进而对其做进一步的读写操作,突破 Go 的类型安全限制。
uses NB;
function GetMACAdress: string; //uses NB;
Adapter: PAdapterStatus;
URetCode: PChar;
RetCode: char;
I: integer;
Lenum: PlanaEnum;
_SystemID: string;
TMPSTR: string;
Result := '';
_SystemID := '';
Getmem(NCB, SizeOf(TNCB));
Fillchar(NCB^, SizeOf(TNCB), 0);
Getmem(Lenum, SizeOf(TLanaEnum));
Fillchar(Lenum^, SizeOf(TLanaEnum), 0);
Getmem(Adapter, SizeOf(TAdapterStatus));
Fillchar(Adapter^, SizeOf(TAdapterStatus), 0);
Lenum.Length := chr(0);
NCB.ncb_command := chr(NCBENUM);
NCB.ncb_buffer := Pointer(Lenum);
NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf(Lenum);
RetCode := Netbios(NCB);
i := 0;
Fillchar(NCB^, SizeOf(TNCB), 0);
Ncb.ncb_command := chr(NCBRESET);
Ncb.ncb_lana_num := lenum.lana[I];
RetCode := Netbios(Ncb);
Fillchar(NCB^, SizeOf(TNCB), 0);
Ncb.ncb_command := chr(NCBASTAT);
Ncb.ncb_lana_num := lenum.lana[I];
// Must be
Ncb.ncb_callname := ('*');
Ncb.ncb_buffer := Pointer(Adapter);
Ncb.ncb_length := SizeOf(TAdapterStatus);
RetCode := Netbios(Ncb);
//---- calc _systemId from mac-address[2-5] XOR mac-address[1]...
if (RetCode = chr(0)) or (RetCode = chr(6)) then
_SystemId := IntToHex(Ord(Adapter.adapter_address[0]), 2) + '-' +
IntToHex(Ord(Adapter.adapter_address[1]), 2) + '-' +
IntToHex(Ord(Adapter.adapter_address[2]), 2) + '-' +
IntToHex(Ord(Adapter.adapter_address[3]), 2) + '-' +
IntToHex(Ord(Adapter.adapter_address[4]), 2) + '-' +
IntToHex(Ord(Adapter.adapter_address[5]), 2);
until (I >= Ord(Lenum.Length)) or (_SystemID <> '-----');
GetMacAdress := _SystemID;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
wxymac : String;
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